Hello SL Fam! Well, it's been a few weeks since my last post and I have yet to find the money for a re-tightening session. What's a girl to do with loads of new growth while on a trip? Take a whack @ re-tightening! I wanted at least the front to look neat, so that was my challenge.
I went to Walmart and purchased a small, plastic children's needle from the Craft section (pack of 4 for 99 cents) and got to work. It took me 3 evenings just to finish the front of my hair. LOL. I know it's because I was being extra careful, so I took my slow time. I used a simple 4 point pattern, cuz I know nothing else.
What have I learnt from the experience?
- re-tightening requires loads of patience and arm strength. lol
- once you get the hang of it, you don't need to re-tighten locks with a mirror (watching movies kept me awake and entertained)
- I'll leave the re-tightening to the pros...LOL...at least for the time-being. I felt very liberated and proud of myself for doing this, but I'll wait at least a full year or so before I completely take over with self-maintenance.
Here are some pics of the finished work in the front:

Extreme shrinkage following my first wash since re-tightening:

As for the rest of my hair, I'll schedule a re-tightening session with my lovely consultant Mrs. Whymns [after pay day]. lol. Oh the stories I have to tell her...she's gonna laugh her head off, I'm sure. :)